Agency Sales Analysis

Calculate your Sales Index

Analyze and score your prospecting and sales system in four key pillars and their related impact areas. Read each slide and select the score that best illustrates your current situation. You’ll receive your Sales Index score when you complete the Analysis. We recommend retaking the Analysis every six months to track your progress.



Agency Sales Analysis

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  • Impact Areas

  • Defined goal

  • Healthy pipeline

  • Effective prospecting

  • Strategic growth

  • Impact Areas

  • Sales process

  • Sales cycle

  • Assertiveness

  • Timing

  • Impact Areas

  • Problem solving

  • Buyer understanding

  • Solution support

  • Cost of inaction

  • Impact Areas

  • Time management

  • Personal marketing

  • Professional development

  • Accountability partners

Defined goal
Too often, producers don’t have specific sales goals. Even when they do, it is often some arbitrary target only intended to satisfy the sales manager. The most successful salespeople have well-thought-out sales goals based on relevant criteria and details of the opportunities they will pursue to achieve the goal. How do you set your annual sales goals?
I don’t have defined goals.
I have goals, but no real thought was put into them.
I have very strategic goals, including the number and size of accounts.
I don’t have defined goals.
I have goals, but no real thought was put into them.
I have very strategic goals, including the number and size of accounts.